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Man was not created for work, the time comes for change

Bohm Vladimir
2 min readOct 17, 2020


Every day, eight to ten hours at work, including several hours of traveling in convoys or public transport, then shopping, cleaning, caring for children… and every day around. The vision of a holiday twice a year and a few joys in the form of experience and reward… is that really what man was created for?

We changed life for work
Man was not created to work all day and then spend money on things he consumed or threw away in a few years, and he spent his whole life in this circle. If we were not created for work, then what is the purpose of our lives?

The goal and purpose of human life is to reach and recognize the higher power of nature that has created us. In practice, this means achieving a harmonious state and coexistence with other people and nature itself. By creating this harmony between people and nature, we reveal in our relationships the higher power of nature, also called absolute love.

Work to achieve this goal, not work
One must, of course, work to secure the necessary resources for one’s full life and provide for one’s family, but the rest of the energy and effort must be expended to achieve the purpose and meaning of life, not to “work and materialize superfluous needs.”

A time of change and revelation of the goal and meaning of life
Today, coronavirus is undergoing a period of change. All redundant businesses, productions and services will be closed under the pressure of nature. Hand in hand with the oncoming automation and robotics, there will be a massive loss of jobs.

There is no need to be afraid of these changes, but to understand them and, through education, to develop society so that everyone begins to learn about the real goal and meaning of life, why we are here and where we are going. At the same time, it will be enough to work a few hours a day to ensure the full needs of a person.

As controversial as this article may seem to you, and as far removed from our current way of life as what awaits us, try asking a question and answering the comments: “What is the meaning of your life, why are you here?”



Bohm Vladimir

Vladimir writes articles that interpret current events in the world according to natural laws.